Saosin Lyrics

With two full-length albums under their belt, the Saosin rock band members are coming into their stride as singers, musicians, songwriters, and producers. The 5-member band takes on a lot of responsibility, recording much of their music live or in their at-home recording studio. They even have the back of their tour bus rigged up with recording equipment so that they can continue working on creative projects while they are on tour.
Lyrical Commentary from the Saosin Members
Bassist Sorenson expresses a feeling of uncertainty, “We don’t know exactly where this record is going to take us,” but he and his band mates are optimistic about the adventure in store for them. Lead singer Cove Reber uses his song lyrics to convey emotions from both ends of the spectrum. He hopes that fans, and kids in particular, can pick up on the feelings he has experienced over the last three years as they listen to each song. Reber hopes that fans will dive into the lyrics to understand and enjoy them at many different levels.
Review of Newest Album Lyrics
Released in 2009, the album, “In Search of Solid Ground” has a few dark and disturbing songs like “Changing” and “On my Own.” However Reber reminds fans that there is always hope with the lyric, “Sometimes a leap of faith is all that we have,” in his anthem “The Alarming Sound Of A Still Small Voice.” Reber goes on to take a real leap of faith by closing the album with a notable 8-minute, 30-second long “Fireflies,” that pushes the Saosin sound and comfort zone to a new level. The band strives to break boundaries, labels, stereotypes, and expectations with this open and exposed sound on the album.
Music critics at the Alternative Press point out that Reber has developed a lot over his last four years with the band. His lyrics are becoming more personable, relatable, and introspective with time, which draws in new fans and keeps loyal fans truly engaged. This new album is more diverse than the Saosin album released back in 2006 and gives fans more to look forward to from future recordings.
Fan Favorites
Fans aren’t shy about voicing their opinions of the band and their songs online. Some of their favorite lyrics include the line “She’s just like him, spoiled rotten, confused by the lies she’s been fed “ from the song “You’re Not Alone” because it makes them cry every time they hear it. Other lines that make the top 5 list are:
- “I’ve been trying to reach you, but my extension cord wouldn’t reach that far” from “I’ve Been Dying to Reach You”
- “Seven years, you assured me that I’d be fine if I complied” from “Seven Years”
- “Wish I could love you, and I don’t regret the rain. Now that I’m sinking, I will just sink away” from “Fireflies”
- “Taking hits off the surface, it’s just too hard to swallow when their judgments are concentrated on everything they know” from “Sleepers”